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International financial markets provide both corporations and individual investors with unlimited opportunities as to raise some funds so to effectively invest it.

Financial vehicles as well as tools array varies from money market (treasury deposits) to complex structured products, such as: ETFs, hedge funds, or derivatives: options, futures, etc. allowing sophisticated investors to achieve the best risk/revenue trade-off as well as their financial goals and derive some profit even from the falling markets.

There is a vast majority of financial intermediaries at place to provide its comprehensive services to an investor or a corporation of any variety.

Among them banks, brokers, mutual investment funds and hedge funds all of them claim to be the best and suit only needs of a particular client, all of them specializing in its particular area they are experts in.

Unlike our pears in the investment advisors community, we do not provide a traditional independent financial advice on retirement, tax, education planning, in order to only “create your unique investment plan”.

Our goals are: based on the level of the risk an investor is ready to bear(or, how risk-averse the investor is):

- to create the best risk/revenue trade-off investment portfolio proposals;
- to arrange an international operational infrastructure, such as: international investment banks, brokerages accounts and research opportunities; in order
- allow our client to fulfill his/her most sophisticated requirements and achieve his/her special investments goals;
- plan and optimize international investment’s taxation.